
Our News

News, insights, and opinions on recent developments in the Turkish legal system and in our own.

Obligation to apply for mediation in some commercial cases

Obligation to apply for mediation in some commercial cases
7 December 2018

Pursuant to the Article 5/A of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 (“TCC”) which was added to the TCC by the Code No. 7155 published in the Official Gazette on December 6, 2018; application for mediation has become mandatory for commercial cases which are related to a claim for payment of money or compensation.

Therefore, a mediator must be contacted before a commercial case, in which the subject is the payment of money or compensation. Such lawsuits to be opened without applying to a mediator will be rejected due to lack of pre-requirement.

The regulation will start as of 1.1.2019, and the cases opened before this date will not be required to be applied to a mediator.


Rules for establishing a liaison office in Turkey
Rules for establishing a liaison office in Turkey
11 March 2019
Any company incorporated under the laws of a foreign country may establish a liaison office...
Changes to Applications to ECHR and Admissibility Criteria
Changes to Applications to ECHR and Admissibility Criteria
9 August 2021
Protocol No. 15, which amends the European Convention on Human Rights ("Convention"), entered into...
Turkey’s New Digital Service Tax
Turkey’s New Digital Service Tax
28 December 2019
The Law No. 7194 on Digital Service Tax and the Amendment of Certain Laws and Law Decree No. 375 was published on the Official...

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